当前位置:2019CBME > 大咖对话 > alula爱羽乐:探索新品类,拥抱光明未来


alula爱羽乐继承百年品牌Aspen爱施健精髓,致力于婴幼儿奶粉行业的前进与发展,并矢志于创新和突破,哺育万千新生。以高品质的食物哺育珍贵的新生,是Aspen爱施健坚定的信仰和践行的准则。本次CBME育儿网有幸邀请到alula爱羽乐CEO John Woo先生,听听他对爱羽乐将来发展规划的介绍。

育儿网:As the world-wide leading dairy company, by acquiring Alula, what will be brought to Alula brand? And what is the expectation of Alula all over the world?



John Woo:First of all, Lactalis has a big ambitious for Alula to become a well know global IMF brand.  As premium IMF brand, Lactalis will endeavor to develop Alula in more and more countries around the world.



Lactalis will continue investing in R&D for Alula. We have already started several very exciting innovations in development for Alula.  Innovation in IMF based on latest scientific research around breast milk and nutrition for babies and children.  Also, possibilities with organic, a2 protein, etc.



We are also exploring product development for Alula in maybe baby supplement nutrition, nutrition for pregnant and lactating mums, etc.So, with Lactalis, Alula will have a bright future ahead.




育儿网:We have already known about Alula IMF and 臻粹舒养配方, is there any new product Alula bring in for this CBME event? And can you introduce more about new product launch plan in future?


John Woo:We are very pleased to launch our Alula formula for mums. We have developed an excellent product for mums to drink.  During pregnancy it is essential that mum have the best possible nutrition t for herself and for her baby.



Alula Mum milk is developed based on our R&D, and is a high-premium formula that offers mums and their baby comprehensive nutrition.



It contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, DHA, rich content folic acid and prebiotics. To help mum’s gastro intestine health, we have 3 prebiotics, and this is the same as we use for our baby formula as these 3 prebiotics are really good for gut health for mums too.It rich contains iron and to support good iron absorption. And to support good iron absorption during pregnancy, Alula Mum contains lactoferrin. 



Two very important factors we have considered for Alula:  1. first low fat.  Mums worry to gain too much weight and we have developed a low-fat mum milk, whilst proving a best possible nutrition with best possible ingredients.  And 2. good taste.  To drink one or two glasses each day, we think it is really important that the milk taste very nice and is easy to drink.  Therefore, we have selected high quality milk source from the South Island of New Zealand.  There the clean air and water and fresh grass produces excellent quality milk that has the light and fresh taste of fresh milk.




育儿网:What’s the vision of Alula brand in next 3 years in China?



John Woo:That parents know the importance of quality sleep for their baby, and that parents know that Alula can support baby high quality sleep. High quality sleep is essential for baby mental capability and physical growth.



Through our strong R&D we will bring more and more products to the Chinese family.  First for the baby. Then for the mum and step by step also nutrition and health products for adult and even seniors.



My vision is that Alula will become a well know and highly respected brands, that parents really trust and like very much.That our Alula partners, including MBS and distributors, are working closely together with us in a win-win business model for long term cooperation. For success in China everyone needs partners to work closely together and achieve a common goal for mutual benefit.



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